nothing here yet. come back later

links and sites i think are cool


link my site!

<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""> </a>


10/25/22 started rearranging the site

9/29/22 new pages are up!! just gotta add content now..

9/29/22 added a whole bunch of new stuff (two things) to the site, proud of myself so true

9/29/22 its only been a day and i'm already thinking abt rearranging my entire site layout LOL... why must i be so indecisive

9/28/22 honestly after seeing some of the sites on neocities i am very tempted to make a webcomic or something

9/28/22 ok i just realized how bland it is compared to other sites. uhjh i am unsure what to do

9/28/22 just made the site, feeling pretty epic